Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Guess I haven't posted in awhile. It seems there was too much going on too fast and I just couldn't cope with it. I decided to lower the shades, block out the world, and just get thru it. I'm not saying that everything is OK now, but better. Shizuku and Dorie have been looking out for me as best they can, and my children also. At least the sun is out today, and the sky is a magnificent blue. My son says that God's color is blue (I've always thought of His color as purple, oh well). I'm hoping to go to my daughter's house on the mountain tomorrow, if I feel up to it. She is going to take me to Meadows of Dan, VA, to see the yarn/fiber shop there. I have been spinning a lot lately and I would like to trade a whole bunch of sock yarn for a smaller, portable spinning wheel....anyone interested?? God Bless You All.


Beansieleigh said...

Take care, June, and I hope things are looking better soon. I always love to see the beautiful crochet work you do! (0:

Leslie Shelor said...

It was great to see you the other day, and I also hope things will be better for you soon. am still on the lookout for a little wheel for you!

Ghost said...

So sorry you have been down. But I sure do know the feeling. I have not been around much either. Kind of just laying back and taking it one step at a time. Thinking of you!