Sunday, May 3, 2009

Birthday Kitty

Althought I don't know Dora's exact birthday, I'm sure it is the first week in May. It's hard to believe that she is now one year old. She's still not a very loving cat, only when she wants something. We have been through a lot with her this past year. So...Happy Birthday, Dora Jean!


Ghost said...

I adore that quilt. and you have done a lot to keep Dora alive so she could have a Birthday. I am sure she knows it and is just showing her independence.

tammy said...

Well, Happy Birthday! to Dora also.
Thank you for your well wishes, May God continue to Bless you and your family.

BTW, Dora looks at home on the kitty quilt.

Lynn said...

Ok I came by to say thanks for the compliment on the Countryside Cottage and what do I see but another quilt that's in my TODO list!!!! LOL I've been collecting fabric for the kitty one for a long time (plan on making my kitties floral). Hmmm, may have to pull that one out soon!

Good for you for helping out Dora.

Bunny said...

Happy Birthday Dora Jean. The cat quilt is wonderful.

Beansieleigh said...

Awwww.. Happy Birthday Dora Jean!

Oh.. and I LOVE this quilt!! (0:

pwl said...

She's a very pretty little cat, and very lucky to have such a loving home with a wonderful cat quilt to lie on. :)

I believe torties do tend to be standoffish - mine certainly is. She loves scritching, but DON'T try to hold her!

Tanya said...

Hi, Tanya here. Thank you so much for asking about the prayer quilt recipient. He and his wife visited us on Sunday and though he has lost a lot of weight, he is back at work and is hoping his cancer will stay at bay.

I just love the quilt Dora is sitting on! Oh dear, I may have to make this! It is so wonderful and so ME!

By the way, did you know that you are on no-reply? I wanted to respond to your comment but couldn't. Thank you again for thinking of my friend. I'll let him know.

pwl said...

May I ask the name of the quilt pattern? I would like to make it for myself.

Thank you!

teakaycee said...

Love the quilt and that sweet kitty sitting on it! GREAT work on that quilt... the colors are so cool!

God Bless my dear friend!