Monday, September 17, 2012

Earl in the wool!

I try to spin some every Sunday evening. Just a long-time habit, I guess. Well, recently I opened a new bag of some wool and mohair mixed roving to spin. It is tricky stuff....full of veg. matter and sand spurs!! Those of you who have spent any time in South Florida know what those cussed sand spurs are....OUCH! Well, Earl Grey discovered the open bag and "slithered" inside. At first, only his tail was showing, so cute! When I finished, an hour or so later, he was still in the bag (even though I checked to see if he had enough air quite often), and I had to lift him out. He protested! I use "Irish Spring" soap bars to fool bugs. Who knows, maybe he likes the smell of the soap, maybe he's just a Spinner's Cat.  It's nice to have a cat that shares my hobby. My son took the photo...Earl is "his cat".  God Bless!

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