Monday, May 2, 2011


I have been trying to finish up some UFO's (unfinished objects). It seems like everywhere I look there are plenty of them! Quilted ones (embroidered blocks), crocheted ones (vintage afghan), knitted ones (socks, yuck!) and this needlepoint, among a lot of others. Yes, I can do needlepoint. I prefer the ones where someone else has done the center design, though. This piece was given to me by a dear friend in Michigan and I am determined to finish it. I will get the upholsterer to put it on a round footstool (vintage 60's) when I finish it. Thing vision has changed since I began this piece. Just can't seem to find the right holes. Guess it's time for a needlework magnifier. Growing older ain't for wimps!


Ghost said...

I like the design. I gave up cross stitch and crewel work when my eyes gave out on me. It will make a lovely stool cover. Don't give up.

Ghost said...
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Beansieleigh said...

Well, your work is BEAUTIFUL June!.. Not to worry! Truth is I have the same problem, so I feel sure, if put under a magnifying glass, my blessings project would prove that!.. Hmmm, which I keep MEANING to get to, but there is always so much going on these days. It's always close by, as I HOPE to get to it, but I either just CAN'T, or just DON'T for whatever reasons. I'm sure it will be easier for me to do when Dear Son has the summer off from schooling... Anyways, love your cross stitch. I just want to pick one of those plums, and eat one, they look so good! (0; Have a great week! ~tina