Friday, May 20, 2011

Toothbrush Rug

Since 2002, when I discovered "Aunt Philly's" website, I have tried my hand at making "toothbrush rugs". I was leading a quilting group of ladies at the church and one of the member's aunt made these rugs and was willing to come and demonstrate it for us. It is a little hard on the back and hands because of my arthritis, but I do enjoy it a lot and have made several. They wear well, and probably will last my lifetime!! Also, they are a great way to use up those cotton fabrics that you bought way back when and now say "Why did I buy THAT"! I love to work on these rugs, but often just need a "round tuit" to get started. I suggest, if you are interested, to look up the "Aunt Philly's" website to get started, too. I made my own tool from an old toothbrush, but she has some to buy reasonably. Unless you have an OLD toothbrush that has a hole in the handle, you will need to buy one. I carved mine myself, then sanded it down. Newer toothbrushes are curved handled and do not have a hole in the end. The strips of cotton fabric are torn at 2" wide by the length of fabric (not more than 2 yards, though). I am experimenting with using cotton clothesline for the "filler" instead of the same fabric as the working fabric. So far it is doing fine. It just makes a stiffer rug, that's all. It's fun, it's useful, check it out!! (click on photo to make bigger)

Monday, May 2, 2011


I have been trying to finish up some UFO's (unfinished objects). It seems like everywhere I look there are plenty of them! Quilted ones (embroidered blocks), crocheted ones (vintage afghan), knitted ones (socks, yuck!) and this needlepoint, among a lot of others. Yes, I can do needlepoint. I prefer the ones where someone else has done the center design, though. This piece was given to me by a dear friend in Michigan and I am determined to finish it. I will get the upholsterer to put it on a round footstool (vintage 60's) when I finish it. Thing vision has changed since I began this piece. Just can't seem to find the right holes. Guess it's time for a needlework magnifier. Growing older ain't for wimps!