Friday, May 3, 2013

Down but not out

The spirit is willing but the body is weak! I have been sick. The usual Springtime allergy/bronchitis hit bad this year. The worst in years...goes along with more pollen in the air, I guess. Ended up going to the Dr. three times and I almost "lost it" this time around. Truth is, I had quit using Barleygreen (green drink) and my allergies have gone nuts. Live and learn, eh? Well, no sewing, quilting, dolls, or even crochet. Everything is on hold. I'm slowly on the mend, but still am not breathing well, and the COUGH! Yikes!! Gives me more time for prayer & is very hard to read, also.  Big sigh, this too shall pass.   God Bless!  (drawing acquired from internet "Ravelry")