and knits and crochets and looms and quilts and is always busy serving my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Jesus said "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" John 8:32
This is a photo of a sweater my daughter just completed. It is the first one she has ever made, and it is crocheted. She used bulky yarn, and a size L hook, and this sweater will go to a charity she supports. Since before the Holidays she has been making loomed and crocheted items, such as hats, scarves and afghan squares, etc. I have given her a few things to send, also. These items go to Africa to a group called "Knit-a-Square", an online group that makes clothing items and blankets for AIDS victim's children and orphans. We had snow on Tuesday, it amounted to about two inches. I love to see the snow, but hate the temps in the teens!! I think everyone I know is hoping for an early Spring this year! God Bless!!
It has been very cold, even colder than most Januarys, and we have had more precipitation than most winters also. I am staying inside as much as I can, but still have to drive my son back and forth to work everyday. Have not sewn much, have not knitted much, but have managed to make a few crocheted Prayer Shawls for the hospital. No Prayers and Squares meeting since December 2nd. I feel like I am in hibernation. Awful winters make us appreciate Spring more, don't you think? Thank God for hot tea!! God Bless.....