Okay, I admit it, I get a lot of my books from the Goodwill Store. This one is a recent one I purchased, but I have to admit that I had my doubts that I would really read/like it. But once I got started, I love it. It is so easy to read, and I love any stories about the Sioux. I highly recommend it!
I have spent the whole summer working on quilting UFO's (that's unfinished objects to the non-quilter). I finished three full size quilts from Block-of-the-month kits from JoAnn Fabrics and Hancocks from 2004 and 2005. Whew! Glad they are finally finished, and I will get my son to take pictures of them soon. (I HATE taking pictures, and it is obvious when you look at how poorly they turn out!) Have not quilted them yet, though. Hope you have a wonderful day.......God Bless!
Look what I found at the Elkin Goodwill Store! The pot...actually, I ordered the book from Amazon.com. The girl at the check-out register said "That is beautiful, I don't understand why it hasn't sold". Guess that is because no one knew what it is. It is made of heavy crockery, and if I hadn't seen a post some months back (during cold weather), I probably wouldn't have know what it is either. My friend Tanya, of By Taniwa.blogspot.com gave an explanation of how one is used and a receipe. She puts it on top of her Kerosun heater and uses it like a slow-cooker. I will have to figure out a heat source for mine, but that shouldn't be a problem. Ooooh, I'm so excited to try it!
According to the weather people, it was 63 degrees here this morning. Feels like Fall out there for me. It has been an exceedingly strange summer. Hope you are enjoying your weather...whereever you are. God Bless!!