and knits and crochets and looms and quilts and is always busy serving my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Jesus said "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" John 8:32
It is my birthday today. Shizuku-chan and I celebrate our birthdays on the same day. My daughter says that Shizuku is a "spring kitten", so we celebrate together. She is 13 now, I am 62. This morning we woke up to SNOW. It is quite unusual for snow this late in March, but it was pretty to watch it come down. There was about an inch on my car when I went to take my son to work earlier. It is sticking on the grass and porch, but not on the road, thank goodness. It should all be gone by the time I have to go back to town to pick up my son after work. The above photo was taken from the back porch, looking at the pines to the North. Isn't it odd to see snow on the bright green grass?!! I'm thanking God for the unexpected "treat" of snow on my birthday!
I have been missing in action. Actually, for the last 3 weeks I have been on the sick-list. First the dreaded stomach flu, then immediately followed by the head cold flu (yes, I did have a flu shot for all the good it did). As usual, the cold/flu went into bronchitis and I have been fighting it ever since. Pretty much end of story. I am taking one day at a time (on antibiotics again) and doing as little as I can. Every thing I do sends me into coughing fits. No sewing (allergic to cotton dust) but started an Aran sweater (photo later). Earl is great entertainment and Shizuku is my "nurse". My son has kept things going around here, bless him. I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel (just hope it isn't the oncoming train!). Stay well, pray often.