My daughter just sent me this photo of the Christmas Day snow at her house. I have not been out to take any pictures here as the wind is blowing fiercely! She lives on the side of a mountain, and you can barely see her house for the snow! This is the first time we have had a Christmas snow in our part of the country since 1981, the year we moved here!! Our family had our Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve this year as snow was predicted for the next day, so on Christmas Day, I spent the day watching it snow! A quiet but pleasant day, but it gave me time to reflect on the real meaning of Christmas; that is, the Birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! This morning at 1:30am I awoke to the sound of a car stuck in the snow/ice just up the hill from my house. That was the first of many! In the 29 years we have lived here that has never happened before. The road was a sheet of ice with drifts of snow knee high. The snowplow came at 6:30 and worked on it for awhile. All is moving as usual again now and the sun is out!! Happy New Year.... it is predicted to be 60 degrees F. on Saturday and Sunday! Hooray!!