and knits and crochets and looms and quilts and is always busy serving my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Jesus said "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" John 8:32
I don't have any real sheep, so I had my son take a picture of me holding "Floyd", my big stuffed sheep that I found at a yard sale while traveling to Floyd, VA. He is my favorite sheep, although I have several plastic boxes full of stuffed sheep. Happy Hug A Sheep Day!
At last!! After a few unsuccessful tries yesterday, the photo loaded immediately today! Go figure! This afghan is made of scraps and bits leftover from Prayer Shawls and other projects. It is shown folded in half on the chair. Actually, it doesn't take a whole lot of yarn to do a stripe. Each stripe is 2 rows. I am working on the Bernat Mystery Afghan as well. Oh my gosh! Today's pattern calls for making 16 squares! Yikes! I hate Granny Squares, but I do like working a Mystery (afghan or quilt) so........ This one'll take awhile. It's a rainey day today, so might as well get started.
I really do love October. Not only are there some sad events (anniversary of my leaving MI, my late husband's birthday), there are plenty of happy ones, too. All kinds of festivals in our neck-of-the-woods, my daughter's birthday, etc, etc. Although sometimes I slide into depression this time of year, this year I am NOT! Since I've been taking vitamin D3, I don't seem to have that problem anymore (well, occasionally on a rainey day, but who doesn't?). I have finished several projects, too, and have been doing some charity (machine) quilting. I tried to add a photo this morning to this writing, but unfortunately, blogger would not comply. Maybe later. The photo was of the Granny Stripe afghan I finished, inspired by Attic 24 blog, and I used scrap yarn. I will try again later. One festival I would have liked to have gone to over this weekend is the Woolly Worm Festival in Banner Elk, NC (way up in the Blue Ridge Mtns.). I just love woolly worms, and try to avoid running over them in the car. It seems the ones on the right side of the road want to go to the left side and vice-versa. It's a wonder I haven't been stopped by the Police, for swerving so much!! I do hope that everyone is enjoying this cooler weather. Get outside, breathe the air! (unless you are allergic to falling leaves, or goldenrod!)
Fifty years ago this week, I left my beloved home in Michigan. I was eleven years old and had no say in the matter, but I remember well the golden maple leaves and cool temperatures as we loaded the old Dodge to carry us to South Florida. I have only been back to Port Huron twice since then. Once when my father died. Once when my mother died. But my heart is still there and always will be. (Photo borrowed from Weather Underground.)
Remember the other day when I posted the poem (below) Little Black Dog? Well, it turned out to be somewhat prophetic. Last Friday, my daughter adopted a rescue dog and named her Lucky. She seems to be a black "lab", and the Vet says about 6 months old. Kathleen is having a grand time adjusting to this new dog, and has made many adjustments to her life. She has had two break-in's at her home, and we are hoping that the dog will make a difference. (Even though she has an alarm system, they seem to know when she is at work and come then.) We are hoping that this new addition to her household will be beneficial to both her, the situation, and Lucky. As for her two kitty friends, the jury is still out on that one. As of now, they are not too pleased, and are on "watch & wait". Time will tell, I guess. By the way, photos sent to me by Kathleen and won't "click to enlarge".
This morning I went to a Prayers & Squares meeting at the Richmond Hill Baptist Church outside of Boonville, NC. It's been about a year since I'd attended a meeting. Although I think of the group often, and say a prayer or two for their ministry, the road to the church scares me and I don't attend often. I happened to have some fabric to donate to them, so I made the effort to attend this morning. I asked if I could take some photos of their work and they agreed. The first photo is a quilt ready for hemming. The second photo is quilts ready for members to tie knots in and pray over. The third photo is just a side view of a quilt backing, ready to be layered for pinning together, and the last photo is a stack of quilts ready for the ties. I had a good time spending some time with these ladies again, and I hope to attend a meeting again before the weather gets bad. By the way, they send their love and prayers to the "sister group" of Prayers & Squares in Nikko, Japan, the leader being my friend, Tanya. The weather is clear and crisp now and the leaves are almost ready to change colors. What a glorious time of year to be alive!!