and knits and crochets and looms and quilts and is always busy serving my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Jesus said "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" John 8:32
Susuwatari is Japanese for Soot Sprite. Those are the little soot-ball-spirits in the film My Neighbor Totoro, by Hayao Miyazaki. I think this "kitteh" looks like my Boo Boo Kitty, who is entertaining the Lord now. She passed away three years ago tomorrow. Guess that means this is my 3 year blogaversary as well, as I had just begun this blog when we lost her so suddenly. Life goes on, eh?
On a happier note....I finished reading "State Fair" by Earlene Fowler in the wee hours of this morning. I love a good mystery, and this one is one of her best. I highly recommend it. I have all of this "quilt mystery" series in hardback books. I think I love my books every bit as much as I love fabric and yarn. This week I have found three drawers full of walmart quilt-of-the-month projects that I had bought the fabric for and put them away (and then forgot about). So far this week I have completed one top and have cut out a second. (And about a dozen left to go, ack!) Photos later. Have a blessed weekend!!
Awhile back, and please don't ask me how long ago, I made this quilt top as a quilt-a-long with the Quiltville yahoo group. A new "clue" is given each week or so & everyone uses their own fabric. Well...this quilt fought me all the way. It just wouldn't cooperate at all!! So I finished it, and made an ugly backing (I called it "clown fabric") and set the whole mess at the bottom of the pile to be quilted (someday). Last month I machine quilted an internet friend's quilt for her while she was in the States visiting family. You can see the quilt at the Taniwa blog, if you are interested. Anyway, it reminded me of my, now forgotten, monster. I got it out yesterday and decided to (despite the heat here) get-er-done. It still didn't want to cooperate, and the last two borders kept "growing" and the thread kept breaking, but I don't think it turned out too badly. Might even let it stay on my bed for awhile, as it does fit ya' know.
Today when I went to the Post Office, there was a "yellow card" in my PO box. That means there is an article to be picked up! You can't imagine my surprise when I opened the mailing bag and found these beautiful Japanese fabrics sent to me by my internet friend, Tanya. I did some machine quilting for her, and she was generous enough to send me some dried fishies and other foods for Shizuku-chan (previously) and also this fabric. I have collected Japanese fabric since my daughter lived in Kagoshima and I am absolutely thrilled to receive this!! Thanks Tanya!! I know that the photo doesn't do justice to the brilliant colors, and the fabric in the plastic wrapping is four inch, precut squares. Wow, they are so beautiful. I will spend the rest of the day with them on the table in front of my chair just looking at them!
I have finished the Georgia Toffee Bars quilt from the Mar/Apr. issue (#2) of Irish Quilting magazine. It didn't take long to make and I mostly used fabric that I had on hand. I had to purchase the lively outer border print (not something I would ordinarily use) and I found what I needed at walmart in the precut aisle. The quilt is about 72" by 80". It looks remarkably like the one in the magazine!! I am quite pleased with the way it has turned out, even though the lack of variety of colors (fatquarters) made the colors "bunch up" some. We have had some interesting weather this weekend. Both Sat. and Sun. have been extremely cloudy and rain all day Sat. The temp never got above 68 degrees F both days. I'm glad summer is almost over. The poor kids will have to go back to school soon, and the Comm.Coll Fall session starts even before that!