As you can see, Earl has lost the "tilt" to his head that was caused by the ear infection! Praise God! He is doing well...very active and enjoying his toys, eating a lot, growing like a weed, and his hair is getting longer! He loves to snuggle up with his Auntie Shizuku when she is asleep and not paying any attention. She is very tolerant of him, although she does let him know who is the boss! I decided not to put up a real Christmas tree this year, but am using the large ceramic one again. Maybe next year he will be calm enough to not destroy the tree. I'm not a big one for decorating for Christmas anyway, so it's okay. Have not gotten much done on my projects lately, so nothing "crafty" to show. A good friend gave me two beautiful VHS tapes of Tasha Tudor, done awhile back. I have enjoyed them so much, and even joined a Ravelry group called "Take Joy". I ordered two books from amazon.com also; A Corgiville Christmas and another book about her life. I do wish life were simpler these days, but things continue to get worse. Even so, come Lord Jesus.