and knits and crochets and looms and quilts and is always busy serving my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Jesus said "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" John 8:32
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Update on Dora
As of yesterday, Dora is her usual frisky, mischievous self...jumping around, getting into trouble! It is hard to believe that her surgery was only four days ago! Cats are amazing creatures. Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts on her behalf.
Friday, February 20, 2009
The Dr. Who Scarf

Above is a picture of the Dr. Who of the 1970's (I think), Tom Baker. He is my daughter's favorite Dr. Who. I have different preferences, but we will leave it at that. Anyway, Kathleen spent the evening here last night and we were watching old DVD's of Dr. Who. Although I have knit three of these scarves in the past, I have (stupidly) given them all away. It would be a good way to use up scrap yarn, right? It keeps you busy without too much fuss, right? Sounds like a great project to start in February...RIGHT! I'm off to find some yarn. Oh, and by the way, they are FUN to wear & you sure get some "odd" looks!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Update on Dora

Dora made it thru her surgery okay, but she's not happy these days (especially with me trying to take her picture). Guess I wouldn't have been too happy if someone had wanted to take my picture after I had my hysterectomy many years ago. She is eating and taking her meds, and I think she will be fine in a few days. Thanks to all those who cared about her during this difficult time. It has been many years since we've had a kitten in the house. I'd forgotten what to expect, but am glad that they give them pain meds for three days now. She's really good about taking her meds, unlike Shizuku, who will fight "tooth & nail". I've finished a mile-a-minute afghan this week, but will post a photo later.
Monday, February 16, 2009

I know...all you guys from Michigan are going to laugh at my pittiful snow photo, but hey, it's our first this year! There was snow on the Mtns. west of us and snow in Winston-Salem, twice, but we got nothing. This morning there was some on the ground for us...not enough to close school, but to delay it for two hours. Not for the Community College, though. Our president is from Michigan, and probably thinks this snow is a big joke. It'll be gone by this afternoon, but I enjoyed looking at it, and so did the kitties. By the way...Dora goes in for her pre-OP check up this afternoon and they will do her spay surgery first thing in the morning. Prayers and/or kind thoughts for her are appreciated.
Friday, February 13, 2009
February bronchitis

As far back as I can remember, I have always gotten bronchitis in February. For me, it just hangs on and hangs on. Have been on antibiotics this week and have just kept a low-profile. In other words, I haven't accomplished much. I borrowed this cute pic from my friend Tammy C. Seems her household has had something too. Looking forward to Heaven....where there will be no bronchitis, and arthritis, and fibromyalgia, and diabetes....the list goes on but you get the idea. Hope everyone out there is well. In the words of someone famous...I'll be back!
Monday, February 9, 2009

Occasionally I do knit socks. I have been working on these tube socks for awhile now, and decided to finish them up. My daughter was nice enough to give me the yarn last Fall (it is Heart & Sole yarn, color is Tequila Sunrise, I used size 2 dpn). This photo does not do the colors justice. So bright!!
Friday, February 6, 2009
The latest quiz
You Should Live in the Country |
You are laid back, calm, and good at entertaining yourself. You don't need an expensive big city to keep you busy. You'll take the peaceful life over the stressful life any day of the week. |
I am constantly amazed at how accurate these things are. I also took a quiz that said that I am Macaroni and Cheese, but I won't post that one! As a matter of fact, I DO live in the country!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
My first blog award!!

I have received my first blog award...from my good friend, Ghost, and I just wanted to say "thank you". I feel very honored. Being that I have chosed to be a "tag-free blogger" (see on sidebar), I will not be passing it along. I do appreciate your thoughtfulness, and I will be adding it to my sidebar very soon.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Tribute to a Great Cat

My friend, Ghost, lost her dear cat Houdini today. He was taken ill very suddenly, and then he was gone. I wanted to let my friend know that I understand her pain and to pay final tribute to a beautiful cat. He reminds me so much of my Boo, whom I lost about a year & half ago. Life goes on, but we always remember. Rest in peace, pretty kitty.
Dora and the printer
Monday, February 2, 2009
Superbowl Twist quilt

Okay, here it is, my version of Bonnie Hunter's Superbowl Twist quilt. I already had the strips cut, and it was recommended to use blues, which I had the least of. I think I would have been happier with it if I had used a multiple of colors, but can't cry over it now. Anyway, I had it finished by 1:30pm. I will get it quilted later on, when I have access to my studio (too cold in there to quilt right now). Just read where the groundhog SAW his shadow and we will have 6 more weeks of winter. RATS!! This is one winter I will be glad to say "good riddance" to! I will donate this quilt to the Foothills Quilter's Guild, who gives them to the Elkin Rescue Squad to give to distressed children.
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