I am thinking about joining in Bonnie's Quiltvillechat.com group and making a quilt for superbowl Sunday this year. I missed out on last years Bargello Bowl quilt. I have a basket full of 2 inch fabric strips that I use for Log Cabin Quilts that I would like to use for this project. It should be fun and interesting. I am NOT a football fan. When I was a young person, my father "hogged" the television to watch any and all sports. Only once can I remember begging him to let me watch the movie "Gidget" instead of the Fri.Nite Fights. Haha, guess he didn't want one in his living room (nah, I was a quiet kid). I have never been a TV fan, but I always liked Sandra Dee and Bobby Darrin!! If you would like to join along, and have fabric strips lying around, visit www.quiltville.com for more information. See ya there!