and knits and crochets and looms and quilts and is always busy serving my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Jesus said "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" John 8:32
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
A Change of Plans
First, I want to wish anyone reading this a very Happy New Year, full of good health and prosperity! Next, I have to say that I don't plan to work on the Quiltville NY quilt afterall. After seeing the Clue 1, I decided that I'd rather work on finishing up some old projects than start another new one. I have plenty of crochet and knitting to keep me busy, and as the weather allows and I can get into my work trailer (studio), I have dozens of quilt tops to get quilted (most for charity projects). So with that said..... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Fabric Choices

Here are my fabric choices for the New Year's Eve mystery quilt. I really like the Civil War Reproduction fabrics and decided to use some of them in this quilt. (I am still on no-buy and am always glad to pull what I can from my stash.) I am really looking forward to this mystery quilt. All of Bonnie Hunter's quilt designs are so easy, unique and imaginative!! I like working with strips of fabric now, since I've done a couple of her quilt designs. Anyone interested in joining in can go to or go to the Yahoo! quiltville group for more information. See you there!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
December 25th Dafodils

This morning when I was feeding the yard kitties, our Shizuku got out. It is great fun for her to have us "chase" her and the sun was shining. When I stepped over the flower bed next to the walkway, I looked down and there were dozens of dafodils trying to come up. December has been a very cold, rainy and unpleasant month. These dafodils were not up yesterday. Consider it a Christmas miracle, or not, you choose. I personally think that God is trying to tell us something.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas
Friday, December 19, 2008

This is a work in progress photo. I decided to use the old standard Spiderman Round Ripple pattern instead of the Gentle Waves one. I really like the way it is turning out and this will be the final one I do for the challenge. I've got other things to finish up as well, and need to get busy with them.
Another foggy, miserable day in western NC. Rain predicted all weekend. Yuck!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
VJGC afghan #2

I finished another crocheted afghan for the Victory Junction Gang Camp this morning. I have already started on #3. It is called Gentle Waves and is a round ripple. I said that I would make three (possibly four) and I am anxious to fulfill the commitment. I have worked extra hard lately and have finished up several projects. It helps to pass the time in this dreary, drizzly, foggy weather. How depressing!! Dora, the kitten, has been a terror lately, so we decided not to put up Christmas decorations. Five minutes ago, she crawled up in my lap, bit me, and jumped down. That's gratitude for ya! I'm thankful that this wet stuff is NOT snow! A little is fun, but NC is not equiped to handle a Michigan snow! Have a happy Wednesday.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Two scarves

The pineapple scarf is actually an old gold colored wool, ball bands long since lost. The pattern can be found at It only took one afternoon to make and I really like pineapples. It is called Elegant Pineapples Scarf 75. The purple scarf is made from Plymouth Encore, Wor.Wt., and the pattern came from As I never wear a scarf, I always find someone to give them too. Good time of year for that, huh? The purple one only took one afternoon to make as well. I like to work on quick projects in between the larger ones!
My next project to start will be an orange Aran sweater for me. I like to use the Grandma on the Mountain pattern and have made one for both my children using that pattern. Guess it's about time to make one for me.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
It's not perfect, but it's done!

The purple cable sweater that I am making for my daughter is done, finally. Thank goodness. As always, after I finished sewing the seams together, I found a mistake or two. Not major ones, I'm glad to say. But I noticed them. The pattern is one torn from a magazine a few years ago. The yarn is Cascade 220 (wool). I can knit with wool, but I cannot wear it. I also finished two more scarves and am now working on an afghan for Victory Junction Gang Camp and also the Snowflake afghan squares. I always have something on my hook or needles!
Friday, December 12, 2008
New Scarf

This is the scarf I worked on yesterday while I was hoping the rain would stop. It finally did and the sun came out this morning, along with the wind! The Scarf pattern can be found at I think I will use it for a gift. I'm not giving many gifts this year, but some are necessary, and I try to help my son out by giving him a few things to give to his co-workers. He makes hats on a knitting loom, and I make a scarf to go with it! Thank God it is Friday. This has been a rough week!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Rainy days
The weather people are still saying we are in a drought, and I wish they would hush about it. It has rained, off and on, for three days now and I am sick of it. I cannot concentrate on my projects when it is so gloomy, and have taken to browzing on the computer (and munching on popcorn) just because I cannot seem to get anything else done. (God forbid that I tackle the sink full of dirty dishes!) They say we might get another three inches of rain today! No thanks! I'm just glad it's not snow!!
I have joined another Yahoo quilt group and it is called FabricaholicsAnonymous. We will be doing a New Years Eve Mystery Quilt and it sounds like fun. I don't do a lot of mystery quilts, but I need to use up fabric, so am game to try it! I didn't see any Button for the group, so I just made a photo of the photo on the homepage and made my own, so to speak. I do not have the talent to make it active, though.
Found two really cute scarf patterns this morning, and might work on those for awhile, and watch the rain. So many projects, so little time.
I have joined another Yahoo quilt group and it is called FabricaholicsAnonymous. We will be doing a New Years Eve Mystery Quilt and it sounds like fun. I don't do a lot of mystery quilts, but I need to use up fabric, so am game to try it! I didn't see any Button for the group, so I just made a photo of the photo on the homepage and made my own, so to speak. I do not have the talent to make it active, though.
Found two really cute scarf patterns this morning, and might work on those for awhile, and watch the rain. So many projects, so little time.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Another quiz!
Your Spiritual Number is Seven |
You bring knowledge and wisdom into people's lives. You are an expert in many fields, and you give excellent advice. Right now, your life is about perfecting your skill set. You are almost a virtuoso at the thing you love best. With some practice, you'll get there. You are highly intelligent and intellectual. You have profound analytical skills. But you also have the soul of an artist. You long to create. |
I am constantly amazed at these quizzes. My son took this one and here is his results. It is absolutely him!! I don't know how they do it! He is a math instructor at the local Community College, and an expert video game player. Amazing! By the way, if you look at the photo of Shizuku in the sidebar, there is a faint outline of him in the background. He is playing a video game, and I just noticed that he is in that picture as of yesterday!
Another quiz
Your Spiritual Number is Two |
You bring kindness and harmony into other people's lives. Whenever a situation or idea seems extreme, you try to lend some balance. Right now, your life is about benefiting from choices you've made in your past. You have done your best to be a good person, and it is starting to pay off. You are an idealist with interesting ideas. You can't help but see all of the beauty in the world. But you are also aware of the world and its limitations. You have realistic expectations. |
Thanks for the quiz, Ghost. I love these. For once, our results are different! I'm not at all surprised that my number is 2. I do EVERYTHING in two's. I have always said that I must have been a twin (I was adopted, so maybe....?) As for work in progress, I am knitting my fingers together on a purple sweater. Only half of one sleeve plus the other and neckline to go. Must admit that I am rather tired of this one. Photo when finished!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
It's Garfield!

I started this Garfield quilt awhile ago and then put it away to do other things. I have been trying to finish up old projects and found this one. I just love to do the "Square in a Square" block, using the special ruler. It is amazing to me how many blocks can be accomplished using this technique, by just turning the cut pieces and re-assembling them. I am a really big Garfield fan, and even had an orange cat named Garfield back in the 1980's. He was such a character! I hope to finish up this quilt soon, and maybe give it to my daughter (haven't decided yet). She was a big Garfield fan also. Anyone else sick of Thanksgiving leftovers???
Friday, November 28, 2008
A Nice Day
Since my son is in the same room with me, playing a new video game, I thought I'd show this picture I "gleaned" from another blog somewhere. I love it! I've never played a video game, but if I did, I imagine it would be a craft one. My son and I just got back from a trip to the Ben Franklin Store in Mocksville, NC. I hadn't been anywhere in awhile and I actually drove there & back. I've become too much of a hermit lately. We both made purchases, and I found some Vanna White yarn at the walmart there!! I'm excited. We stopped and ate a barbeque sandwich on the way back. Aside from being super-messy, it was very good. I had a very nice day, and enjoyed getting out of the house and also enjoyed my son's company!
Dora continues to improve! This new med seems to be doing it's thing. I am very grateful for everyone's prayers and concern.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Another Quiz and a Comment
You Are a Maine Coon Cat |
You tend to be loving and playful around your family and friends. But when you're around strangers you tend to be a bit reserved. You are intuitive. You understand human emotions well. You do best when you are around people. You don't like being left alone. |
Thanks for the cute quiz on your blog, Ghost. I do enjoy taking these tests and seeing the results. Good news on Dora. She seems to be responding to the new meds that we started on Monday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and thanking God for everyday that she is not sick. She started responding to the new stuff almost immediately
And now a question....there is an annoying ad that pops up over the Maukie Cat. I don't know how to get rid of it. I apologize if it annoys anyone who reads this blog. Please let me know if you'd rather I take it down, the cat, not the ad, as I've tried and I can't.
I've still got my miserable cold/flu (even though I had the shot). Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Been working on a mindless sock today. Hard to think/concentrate today. Glad I can't spread germs thru this blog!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving

To wish you all a Happy Holiday Season, starting with Thanksgiving, I thought I would post the above awful photo (and you thought things couldn't get worse after I posted my own photo below!). Dora is still sick, had to call the Vet back on Sat. and get more meds, and I have inherited my son's cold. Looks like this will be an interesting week. A happy day to anyone reading this. <><
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Star Afghan

This is a 6-pointed star afghan, kid sized, that I made for Victory Junction Gang Camp. It is the first, and I hope to make four from all different patterns. This pattern came from a Crochetville (Crochet along). It made up pretty fast and easy and is somewhat different from the 12-point Round Ripple that I have done several of. I have always loved 6-pointed stars and also hexagons (in quilts). Dora kitten is still hanging in there, but no good news to report yet. Still praying for a miracle!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Yellow Sweater

I finally finished the big yellow sweater with the cables in the raglan area. I am pleased with it, and the recipient has often said, "I really like that sweater". He will have to wait for Christmas to wear it though. Aren't I mean? My favorite sweaters to knit are top-down, except for the sleeves. I'd rather do the sleeves flat.
I am requesting prayers for my youngest kitty, Dora. She has been feeling poorly since Saturday and it is serious. I am giving her some antibiotic and it seems to be helping, but I'm thinking she should have been perked up by now. At this time, I can't afford to take her to the Dr. My fixed income just won't expand that far these days. I can barely afford to buy food for them. It is a lower-stomach problem (on-going). She has never been "right" since we brought her in. I blamed the fact that her mom didn't take care of her and she didn't get the proper nutrition when she was at the critical first-weeks stage. I am praying that she will get over this. I put it in God's hands. We are all His creatures, not only humans, but "all creatures great & small". I thank you in advance, and may God Bless all.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
These tests are fun!
Your Autumn Test Results |
You are a energetic, warm, optimistic person. You approach everything with a lot of enthusiasm. When you are happiest, you are calm. You appreciate tradition and family. You enjoy feeling cozy. You tend to be afraid of change. You are never ready for things to be different. You find love to be the most comforting thing in the world. You feel at peace when you're with your loved ones. Your ideal day is active and full. You like to keep busy with your favorite things, and you appreciate a routine. You are very impatient. You spend more time waiting for something than actually enjoying it. |
Monday, November 10, 2008
Looming some hats!

Friday, November 7, 2008
Prayer Request
I would like to make a prayer request of my Christian friends out there. A very good friend of mine (who shall go nameless here) is going through a rough time lately. It seems like life is trying to get the best of her. Please stop and say a prayer for my good friend, that God will give her the strength she needs to get through the Holidays and beyond, and give her peace. Thanks!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Funky Purple Socks!

I am adding a new "button" on the side for a new project of mine. A group on C'ville will be making colorful kids afghans for the Victory Junction Gang Camp here in North Carolina. It is not far from me, actually. I do apologize that I do not know how to make a "usable" button, but if you want more information, you can go to and look under charity afghans. Information is also available at the Victory Junction website. Also, a number of the members of the Yahoo! group "Crochet_Swaps_Galore" are participating. This is a great cause and it should be a lot of fun to make red, yellow, green and blue afghans!! These groups are hoping to make 200 afghans for disabled kids attending the camp in 2009! Please consider helping out!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Added to stash

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
New Fall Quilt

Monday, October 27, 2008
Photo in Header Above
The beautiful photo in my above header was obtained from Weather Underground. Photo was taken by Aaron Wilson and I am currently asking permission to let it remain. My apologies for not asking before I posted the photo. The lighthouse is in my hometown of Port Huron, MI.
Oreo has left the building

Oreo has left us. Last Friday, I'd had enough of his unpleasant behavior and destruction, and I set him back outside, with instructions to go back to where ever he came from. I guess he did, as we haven't seen him since Saturday morning. I wish him well, where ever he is, but peace has been restored to our household and I am very glad. Somethings just don't work out, ya' know? Dora missed him at first, but now is glad to have her share of the food to herself again!
On a lighter note, yesterday was my daughter's birthday and she spent some of the weekend with us. I think she had a pleasant time with us, and a Happy Birthday, at least I hope so. By the way, her Aran Sweater "fit like it was made for her" and she seemed to like the green and white afghan.
It is very windy today and getting colder outside. I hate wind, ever since my old Florida days, and don't care much for the cold (OUCH!) either!
On the needles, a yellow sweater, top down, with cables between sleeve & body (photo above). Top down sweaters (sweatshirt-style) are still my favorite!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Christmas at Sea

Monday, October 20, 2008
Small donation quilts

Monday, October 13, 2008
Bonnet granny square

Sunday, October 12, 2008
New Photos on Sidebar
I have temporarily added two new photos to my sidebar. They are of Pilot Mountain, North Carolina and the volcano Sakurajima, Kagoshima, Japan. Pilot Mountain can be seen from all over our area. It was never a volcano, but it is a respected landmark in our area. My daughter lived very near Sakurajima when she lived in Kagoshima. Just across the Bay, actually. It is a much loved landmark in Kyushu. Pilot Mountain is one of the reasons we moved to this area, and even though I am no longer able to do any hiking on the Mountain, every morning, as I take my son to work, it looks different. Kind of like one of the advertisements for Sakurajima.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Getting ready to sew

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008
Another photo of unnamed kitty

He's up from his nap and ready to explore, followed closely by Dora. The family cat says "Oh no....not again.......grrrrrr!!"
UPDATE: We are now calling him "OREO". He seems to answer to that name, so my guess it is what his former owners called him! Every time we say "Oreo", he will look at us and say "Meow".
The new unnamed kitty

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Kitty Quilt

Monday, September 29, 2008
Afghan, socks, and the family cat

The afghan is in progress, almost completed, only a few more rows. The pattern came off of a yarn label. It's just a rectangular granny square, but I like the two color effect. The socks are tube socks, no heels, just plain. I hate putting heels in with the self-striping yarn!! Of course, the family cat is looking on.......I don't think she knows she's in the picture (heehee)
Friday, September 26, 2008
Not quite finished

I call this pattern the Surry Four-patch. I live in Surry County, North Carolina, and when I was teaching a beginning lap-quilting class at the church a few years ago, this is the first pattern I gave them. It is simple, yes, but they liked it, and one student even made 20 blocks!! That gave me the idea to use it for the charity quilts!! This one (after it is hemmed) will go to the Elkin Rescue Squad. It is about 40 by 70 inches. I make these quilts in all sizes, as the kids they give them to come in all sizes!! This is a project of the Foothills Quilter's Guild, Elkin, NC, of which I am a member. I formerly made these kid's quilts and gave them to the Surry Rescue Squad (began doing this in 1990), but that project kind of ended. I am glad to have someone who wants these now. I think a boy would like this one, don't you??
Foothills Quilter's Guild will have a Quilt Show at the Yadkin Valley Pumpkin Festival at Elkin, NC tomorrow. It is at the Episcopal Church beside the Library. Any and all are welcome, if you are in this area. BTW, Dora the kitten is now sleeping on a corner of the quilt. She pulled it on the floor & curled up on it!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Round Ripple Afghan

Happy first day of Fall!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Anyone still working on this?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Lunch with Soupy Sales

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
My new Jimbo's Chophook!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Fall Shawl

Sunday, August 31, 2008
Under the Weather
I've been taking a little break...from most everything. I caught a bad cold, actually, my son brought it home from work, and I can't seem to shake this thing. It has gone into my lungs and is being most unpleasant. It is hard to work with any "fibery" as I sneeze worse & can barely breathe. I would appreciate prayers, and also prayers for the people and pets on the Gulf Coast in Gustav's path. Hurricanes are bad business. Growing up in Florida, I went thru several. Here's to better days!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
A Tale of Five Little Girls
Once upon a time there were five little girls, all the same age, growing up on North River Road. In the 1950's there weren't too many concerns for the little girls. We all wondered about an angry man in faraway Russia, who would shake his fist and tell us that he would bury us, but we all had plenty to eat and nice dresses to wear to school. Our fathers all had jobs and we'd never heard of "downsizing" or lay offs. Most of our mothers were homemakers. We all met in the second grade at River Road School.
Life was good. Summers were hot but tollerable. We had no air conditioning in the 1950's. We swam in the Black River behind my home. Winters were very cold with lots of snow. We made snow forts and snowmen and had lots of fun together.
I am the oldest, and I turned 59 this past March. Next in line is Kathy, who birthday is in June. Then comes Marianne and Linda, both born in July, then Susan, born in August.
The cure for polio was not yet found, so in the summer, we all had to be quiet during the heat of the day. My mother would read to us from "Pollyanna" or "The Secret Garden". Kathy's mother taught us easy sewing stitches and embroidery, and took me to Church. Sometimes we would play baseball in Marianne's yard or spend the day at Susan's house, 1/2 mile down the road. She liked the new Barbie dolls. Crafts were not popular then, not even in VBS.
Well, in 6th grade, my family moved to Florida for Dad's health. In 7th grade, Kathy moved to Detroit area for her father's work. I lost touch with Marianne for over 25 years, but we found each other again awhile back. Kathy and I have remained close. Sadly, Linda died in a car accident when we were 24. Susan died of a brain tumor in 1998, right before my husband died of cancer. Kathy, Marianne and I keep in touch by email now. Marianne and I are retired, Kathy works in her husband's business office.
Kathy does beautiful needlepoint, Marianne and I both make quilts. My friend, Tammy (in NC), taught me to spin a few years ago and it has taken over my life and home. My dust bunnies are wool and mysteriously migrate around my vinyl living room floor like tumbleweeds. Spinning has given me some degree of peace since my husband died.
Come to think of it, life is still pretty good.
Life was good. Summers were hot but tollerable. We had no air conditioning in the 1950's. We swam in the Black River behind my home. Winters were very cold with lots of snow. We made snow forts and snowmen and had lots of fun together.
I am the oldest, and I turned 59 this past March. Next in line is Kathy, who birthday is in June. Then comes Marianne and Linda, both born in July, then Susan, born in August.
The cure for polio was not yet found, so in the summer, we all had to be quiet during the heat of the day. My mother would read to us from "Pollyanna" or "The Secret Garden". Kathy's mother taught us easy sewing stitches and embroidery, and took me to Church. Sometimes we would play baseball in Marianne's yard or spend the day at Susan's house, 1/2 mile down the road. She liked the new Barbie dolls. Crafts were not popular then, not even in VBS.
Well, in 6th grade, my family moved to Florida for Dad's health. In 7th grade, Kathy moved to Detroit area for her father's work. I lost touch with Marianne for over 25 years, but we found each other again awhile back. Kathy and I have remained close. Sadly, Linda died in a car accident when we were 24. Susan died of a brain tumor in 1998, right before my husband died of cancer. Kathy, Marianne and I keep in touch by email now. Marianne and I are retired, Kathy works in her husband's business office.
Kathy does beautiful needlepoint, Marianne and I both make quilts. My friend, Tammy (in NC), taught me to spin a few years ago and it has taken over my life and home. My dust bunnies are wool and mysteriously migrate around my vinyl living room floor like tumbleweeds. Spinning has given me some degree of peace since my husband died.
Come to think of it, life is still pretty good.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The Family Cat Quilt

The second photo is my "Boo's" block, who died a year ago this week. I don't think I will ever get over losing her, and I cry every time I think of her. She was a solid black, longhair. My husband had named her "Blackie", but after he died, she just seemed to be called Boo from then on. I began this blog about two weeks before Boo died, and didn't have digital camera at that time. I only have a few old photos of her. I didn't realize this until she was gone and it was too late. She died so suddenly. I feel like this quilt is finally complete as of today.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Snoopy (happy) Dance!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Camera Shy Kitty

Update on Dora

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